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Snapchat-Guide von OSK und t3n

Snapchat Guide from OSK and t3n

E-book explains the “hype app” in detail


Hannover/Cologne, November 14, 2016 – Oliver Schrott Kommu­nika­tion (OSK) and t3n, the (German) magazine of the digital economy, have jointly produced a guide to Snapchat enti­tled “What you need to know about the hype app”. The free e-book with over 80 pages provides company commu­ni­ca­tion managers with compre­hen­sive and clearly-struc­tured instruc­tions along with valu­able tips.

For young people, as a commu­ni­ca­tion plat­form, Snapchat is now even more impor­tant than Face­book. Many commu­ni­ca­tion and marketing deci­sion makers also regard the app as an indis­pens­able part of the modern digital commu­ni­ca­tion mix. Never­the­less, only a few compa­nies take advan­tage of the app. This could soon change.

The Snapchat guide by OSK and t3n explains how the app works, how brands can take advan­tage of the messenger, and what adver­tising options are avail­able. The e-book also looks at the extent to which the “hype app” is suit­able as a jour­nal­istic medium, as well as in which direc­tion Snapchat is devel­oping as a company.

In expert inter­views within the guide, brand experts, scien­tists, influ­encers and jour­nal­ists explain the draw of the service, as well as how they success­fully commu­ni­cate with their target group on the channel. This leads to instruc­tive conclu­sions and inspi­ra­tion for brand managers who might only dabble with Snapchat as a commu­ni­ca­tions channel. In addi­tion, the guide provides a list of recom­men­da­tions for compa­nies and influ­encers, who are active in Snapchat and are already contributing inter­esting content.

The goal of the e-book is to intro­duce different players within the commu­ni­ca­tions industry to the basics of the app as well as to its various appli­ca­tion possi­bil­i­ties. Oliver Schrott Kommu­nika­tion and t3n provide the basis for the deci­sion about if and how Snapchat can be used as a social media channel for brands.

Oliver Schrott, founder and Managing Partner of OSK, sees the plat­form as a game-changer. “Snapchat is currently the fastest growing network in the world, and it is already gener­ating more video views than Face­book – by now up to ten million per day. In terms of live commu­ni­ca­tion, the plat­form is highly exciting to compa­nies – espe­cially if they want to reach young target groups. The efforts of Snapchat to become the new tele­vi­sion of the Millen­nials add drive to this devel­op­ment.”

The digital world is fast-paced and Snapchat is rapidly evolving in partic­ular. This is why the editors have created the slogan “Always in beta” for the Snapchat Guide and will continue to update and improve the content on a regular basis with the help of the commu­nity.

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